Next you can see the bottom of the chassis with the seperate front and rear sub-panels installed. Seperate sub panels facilitate changing the configuration with
out having to re tool the entire enclosure. In example, the rear sub panel for the balanced version of the amplifier is different but is the only part that needs to be changed. This makes the product flexible and economical to build in small quantaties. Also seen is the cooling fan, input and output jacks, power inlet / filter and fuses. Up front you see the main filter caps, smoothing choke and power switch. In the center is the terminal block where all the power wiring will land when the top panel and circuit board are installed.
The next picture shows the circuit board with the tube sockets, terminal strips, bias meter & pots, and ground wiring installed. This "circuit board" is actually 16ga. steel which provides a rigid backbone for the circuit to live and an active ground-plane with good RFI rejection. All the components are riveted directly to the circuit board and will not vibrate loose over time. All the wiring is point to point just like the old days. This method of wiring is time and labor intensive but is more robust, superior for the high-heat
and high-voltage environment of tube amplifiers, and sounds better. I have repaired some contemporary tube amps that use printed circuit boards and have seen catstophic failure of the board itself where the heat of a power resistor actually burns a hole through it. No way to fix that without replacing the entire board! Printed circuit boards also exhibit small amounts of capacitance between traces and the board material itself is not a very good dielectric, which can smear the sound to a degree. That said, we do use printed circuit boards in non-critical areas, like power supplies and logic circuits.
The next picture shows the input stage under construction. Each half of the input tube (12au7a) is bypassed to prevent power supply interaction between stag
es. The first stage is a simple voltage amplifer with feedback from the output transformer injected at the cathode, which is bypassed with high-quality solid polymer electrolytic caps. These have outstanding low impedance and ESR properties and live well in high-heat environments. This stage is direct coupled to a spit-load phase splitter which has a build-out resistor in the cathode leg to match output impedances of both halves for better high-frequency linearity.
In this picture the input stage / phase splitter and driver stage are completed. In a novel implementation of local feedback and bootstrapping this little stage delivers the needed voltage swing to drive the output stage to full power at low distortion. One wouldn't normally consider the 12au7a to have the balls to do this! High-quality polypropelyne coupling and bypass capacitors are used throughout. All wiring is high-tempature and rated for applied voltage.
Here's the completed circuit board installed to the top panel with transformers mounted and wired into the power supply circuitry, which can be seen alo
ng the bottom. On the left is the main B+ supply, on the right is the bias supply and filament damping circuit. Off to the side can be seen a small printed circuit board which houses the 60 second B+ delay, which allows the filaments to heat up fully and applies the bias voltage before the high-voltage hits the tubes. The output stage employs an LR network to equalize the small inductance differences between windings in the output transformers. This also improves high-frequency linearity.
Speaking of transformers, all transformers used in Elliott Studio Arts products are custom wound to our own specifications by a well respected company based in New Mexico, Edcor Electronics. The excellent sound quality and bass control of these amps can in large part be credited to these transformers. The power supply transformer is massive with ample power regulation; in conjunction with the big computer grade caps and choke provide huge power reserves which greatly increase dynamic impact and slam. The power supply is very clean and well protected with fuses and inrush current limiters, which can be seen below mounted to the terminal strip in the bottom chassis.
The next step is to install tubes, connect meters to monitor B+, bias and filament voltages and an O'scope and dummy loads to the output. Now fire her up!
After everything checks out, the bias is increased until the proper current reading is applied to each tube, voltages are checked again. Once everything stabilizes it's time to throw some sine waves at it and check for oscillation, frequency response and max power output. Then a complete battery of computer generated tests including frequency sweeps, distortion and square wave response is done and documented for record keeping.
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