Speaking of transformers, all transformers used in Elliott Studio Arts products are custom wound to our own specifications by a well respected company based in New Mexico, Edcor Electronics. The excellent sound quality and bass control of these amps can in large part be credited to these transformers. The power supply transformer is massive with ample power regulation; in conjunction with the big computer grade caps and choke provide huge power reserves which greatly increase dynamic impact and slam. The power supply is very clean and well protected with fuses and inrush current limiters, which can be seen below mounted to the terminal strip in the bottom chassis.
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Birth of an Amplifier
Speaking of transformers, all transformers used in Elliott Studio Arts products are custom wound to our own specifications by a well respected company based in New Mexico, Edcor Electronics. The excellent sound quality and bass control of these amps can in large part be credited to these transformers. The power supply transformer is massive with ample power regulation; in conjunction with the big computer grade caps and choke provide huge power reserves which greatly increase dynamic impact and slam. The power supply is very clean and well protected with fuses and inrush current limiters, which can be seen below mounted to the terminal strip in the bottom chassis.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Tube Stomp Box
A good friend of mine is an accomplished guitarist who has a recording setup for his band. Part of his rig is an amp simulator plug-in that he uses with digital input (AD converter) to simulate the tone of an amplifier. Recently he asked if a tube guitar pedal would add that tube 'roundness' to enhance the sound of his recordings. This sparked an idea..
I figured that any stomp box has to be small and portable, powered via wall-wart and have a bypass switch. Having lots of tube stuff and parts around I scrapped a prototype together on the bench. In the photos above and below you can see the first attempt at the circuit. To fit the requirement of wall-wart power meant that a high-voltage B+ supply had to be derived from a low voltage source. I settled on a 24VAC @ 1 amp supply sourced from Triad, which when run into a voltage quadrupler yields 160VDC at about 200 ma. The filament supply would have to come from the 24VAC, padded down with series resistance to get 12VAC. OK, so with the PSU figured out it was on to the tube gain stage.
My first attempt was to use the venerable 12AX7, which as you will see proved problematic. I used both halves of the tube to make two identical stages with a gain of about 35dB each. I put a volume control between stages figuring that the guitar volume control could be used a a gain and the stomp box control could be used for drive so you could get some overdrive. The gain of the whole circuit was way too high to input into a guitar amp (or amp simulator) so the plan was to knock it down with an output transformer.
Alright, so far so good.. looked clean on a scope, got plenty of gain and overload margin was acceptable. Then I put it in a box and hooked it to an amplifier- BUZZ! HUUUMM! Oscillation! Microphonics! High frequency rollof! I was surprised, everything looked fine before putting it in the box. Too much gain coupled with wiring capacitance and high impedance created all sorts of problems. I worked on adding more filtration to the power supply, DC filaments and shielded cable to no avail (high-gain, high impedance tubes such as the 12AX7 have issues like this).
I had to look for another solution.
Well, of course! Change the tube to a 12AU7, get rid of all that gain and all the associated problems go away too. And as fate would have it, the plate and cathode resistor values worked out perfectly for the given voltages so the 12AU7 could just drop right in. Less gain equals lower miller capacitance, meaning flatter frequency response and less sensitivity to induced hum, microphonics and oscillation. This tube also has lower output impedance making it easier to drive long(ish) unbalanced interconnects which are likely to be use with this device. So with less gain and lower output impedance the output transformer could be eliminated too.
So, done for now. I will ship this out to him to see what he thinks, probably end up making some changes according to his feedback and then who knows? Maybe another Elliott Studio Arts product?? We'll see..
Saturday, October 2, 2010
This really makes a difference....
The bottom line is if you've invested substantial time and resources into your system you owe yourself the protection that these units afford. The cost of the Surgex isn't cheap but not much compared the the price of replacing all your gear, some of which may not be replaceable. But with the improvement to the sound, having the best surge protection technology in the world is just the icing on the cake! You cannot buy these units retail at the Best Buy, you'll have to go to the website and find out who your local rep is and order one from them, but it is mandatory!
Monday, May 10, 2010
The making of a preamp
(an overview)

All the wiring is high-temp Teflon insulated solid conductor for signal and stranded for power. Silver solder is used throughout along with close tolerance metal film and wire-wound power resistors, polypropylene capacitors, (hand matched polypropylene and polystyrene caps used in the RIAA filter), and high-quality electrolytic and polyester caps for power supply bypassing. Solid polymer electrolytics are used for the cathode bypass capacitors; these have very low ESR and a long life span. You can see them in the picture above zip-tied to the yellow poly bypass caps. Below shows each tube section has 110uF of bypass capacitance. High quality ceramic tube sockets are used for longevity.

Below you can see things starting to come together. Those are the output transformers, used here for gain reduction and impedance matching. These transformers have an output impedance of 8 ohms! They drive headphones with authority and since the output impedance is so low you can run very long interconnects without high frequency roll off. The signal cable you see is high-speed digital coax used for HDTV and VGA applications. It has very low capacitance and uses foamed Teflon for the dielectric, has a silver plated solid copper center conductor and dual shield (foil and braid).
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Resurrecting the McIntosh MC-30

My boss Jack has had a pair of old dusty and slightly pitted MC-30's laying in his office for several years. The story was that they belonged to his father who purchase them new sometime in the golden age of Hi-Fi, and they had been languishing at the home of one of his other sons for years. Jack came across them and rescued the pair thinking that someday he would put them to use driving a pair of Renkus-Heinz commercial 16ohm speakers we've had in our warehouse, also collecting dust. Well, he finally asked me if I could do something with them.. duh!
I got them home (heavy buggers!) and got one up on the bench, opened it up and found that some repairman from

First things first, get rid of all the 45 year old electrolytics! Except for the main filter caps, which measured good with the cap meter (all 3 sections), there were dried up bias supply caps and input stage cathode bypasses that had to go. Also, the paper/wax coupling caps were suspect; I've heard that they tend to get leaky- though some audiophiles like the way they sound. I don't. I like detailed music reproduction, thank you. These caps would be good for a guitar amp where you're going for a colored sound, not Hi-Fi (now days there are very expensive 'boutique' paper in oil capacitors available, I'm not talking about these). Most of the other coupling caps are some sort of plastic encapsulated film, not sure about them. I left them in for now.
Since Jack is not an audiophile

I do see alot of room for improvement, though. Like replace all the old coupling caps with decent film caps like Solen or better, do more power supply bypassing for the input and inverter stages and get rid of all the unnecessary input wiring and hardware. The input RCA's could use an upgrade, and a heavier barrier strip so you can connect some 'real' speaker cables would be nice.
The design of the amp is interesting. There's the obvious 'Unity Coupled' output transformers which have a cathode winding from one tube in phase with the plate winding of the other tube. There is the 'bootstrapping' of the driver; the B+ for the driver load resistor is derived from the plate winding of the same phase tube giving a positive feedback to the driver tube while delivering negative feedback to the output tube. And there's the 12ax7 cathode follower between the driver and output stages, direct coupled to the input grids and therefore having the -45V bias voltage on their cathodes. This tube is also bootstrapped; the positive feedback is necessary to derive the very high AC drive voltage required for the output stage (remember the cathodes are in the transformer winding causing negative feedback, lowering the overall gain of the stage). The input stage is pretty standard and uses 1/2 of a 12ax7 direct coupled to a 12au7 configured as a cathode coupled phase inverter. The McIntosh design was way ahead of its time and the performance is reported to be excellent. All in all, alot of circuitry for 30 watts!
Ok, so after all the circuit work, I cleaned up the chassis and tubes, plugged them into AC, and checked out the voltages. One amp measured spot-on, the other had some funkyness in the output stage. One output tube was in cutoff and it's bias voltage measured -220v! Some visual inspection revealed that I had inadvertently cut a 220K cathode resistor for one of the followers, which supplies bias voltage to the grid of the 6L6. Repairing this error fixed it right up!
Alright! I'm too impatient to put these things on the scope and do the requisite battery of tests, I just want to plug them in and play some tunes! They sound pretty fine, I must say. They're a little dark and the bass is not as tight as I'm used to (the 66-100's are highly resolving and have excellent, tight bass). But overall, they have that tube magic. I bet new output tubes and performing the rest of the upgrades as listed above would bring them into better focus, but my boss just wants them to work and I think that they'll do just fine with the high-sensitivity horn loaded Renkus-Heinz speakers he's going to drive for his office system.
I promise I'll get these things hooked up to the scope and see what the power, frequency response and square wave look like, but for now I'll just enjoy them before I have to give them back!
UPDATE: 3/28/10
Just put these babys on the test bench. Amplifiers terminated into 8 ohm resistive dummy loads.
Square wave response is good for 1Khz, 10Khz is a bit rounded off on the leading edges, suggesting a bit of high-freq. rolloff.
Freq. Response is flat from about 30hz out to about 15Khz, and there's a bit of droop on either extreme, as viewed on an o-scope.
Power is 45 watts before visible clipping on the amp with the better output tubes. The one w/ the weaker set puts out about 25 watts before clip. Think I'll recommend new tubes to Jack.
No distortion measurements made at this time.
I had fun restoring these amplifiers. They are very well made, well laid out and easy to work on. I'm sure Jack will enjoy listening to them as much as I have!
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Home-brew high end speaker cables
Since I work in the commercial A/V field I have collected a ton of surpluse cable and wire over the years. Having an abundance of CAT5E cable on hand it was a cinch to choose one of the projects that feature use of that sort of cable. The final design of the cable is a distillation of several articles that covered the making of your own speaker cable.
Needing approximatley 15' runs I played out eight 18' strands of CAT5E cable. I then made four twisted pairs out of the 8 strands, twisting counter-clockwise. I then took two twisted pairs and combined them, twisting in clockwise direction. This made two rather thick braids of CAT5E about 16' long, of which I secured the ends with electrical tape.
Next I cut 4 6" long pieces of heavy 1" heat shrink and slid them down the cable ends. Then stripped back about 6" of each of the four strands at each end. Next I un-twisted every pair, sorted them out (stripes and solids) and combined all the solids together and the stripes together. I then twisted each bundle and wrapped with teflon plumbers tape. Next I pushed 3" of red heat-shrink down the "solids" bundle and 3" of black heat-shrink down the "stripes" bundle. Next, shrink the black and red wraps on the bundle ends, pull the 1" x 6" heavy shrink up the cable to cover the transition point where the bundles are seperated out of their CAT5 strands and shrink. I then put some hot glue into this cover between the bundles, heated and pinched together with big needle nose pliers to clamp the shrink together and make "pants" over the transition point and the bundles.
Next I stripped each individual strand of the wire bundles for pos. and neg., trimmed to length and crimped on heavy fork connectors, then soldered with silver content solder. Heat shrink was applied over the connectors for a finished look.
Upon first listen they sounded terrible. But after about 1/2 hour of listening they started to break-in and sound better. Now with about 6 hours on them they sound wonderful! Tighter bass, more texture and detail in the lower registers, better integration of the whole sonic picture and a more even presentation of the frequency range. More detail is heard, more low-level stuff like reverb tails, backing vocals I'd never noticed before, etc.
Since CAT5E cable is rated for 350Mhz it should work fine as an audio cable. Even better is that the positive and negative conductors are all seperated and twisted together in individual pairs, and each individual CAT5 strand is twisted with another, and so on. This results in very low inductance (but rather high capacitance, though that doesn't matter as much as inductance for speaker cable) and low resistance. Also this design eliminated the smearing of signal and skin-effect losses associated with multi-stranded cable because each strand is individually insulated, much like Litz wire.
Anyway, DIY is awesome, and cheap!
Friday, March 5, 2010
Power Conditioners and hype..
Last year we erected a 25' scaffold in order to install 4 hanging mics from the very tip of the ceiling- high-quality Neumann condensers, two at about center stage and two out in front of the stage and about 12' off the floor. The cabling was run to a mixing console in the rear of the sanctuary and then fed to an Alesis Masterlink hard-disk recorder. The sound captured with this set-up is incredible, but the mics are so sensitive that they can pick up a whispered conversation at the back row!
The music director and the recordist / board operator had been reporting an intermittent noise coming through on the recordings. Intermittent problems are difficult to troubleshoot and the first time out I couldn't re-produce the problem. The second time out I was able to hear the noise through the monitoring headphones. It was a nasty intermittent buzz that varied in intensity and character. We swapped in another console and the noise went away, so I determined that it must be something in the consoles PSU and sent it away for service.
They actually did find something wrong- the phantom power supply was bad and they replaced some components. But after installing the repaired console back into the system the buzz was still there. ??!! Then I noticed when we moved the power cables around behind the desk the intensity of the buzz would vary, and this led us down the path of changing out extension cords and eliminating some cheap plastic power strips. Also, uncoiling the power cables and laying them flat under the desk took care of some more of the noise, but it was still there to a degree which was clearly audible on the recordings.
I then recommended another option that I thought would work since it seemed due to dirty power. That was installing a high-quality series mode power conditioner in the system. The Surgex SA-82 fit the bill and was ordered. These units are expensive but they really do the best job of surge suppression, and unlike MOV based surge protectors they last forever and don't dump dangerous and noisy voltage to ground. The side benefit is that because they use a large series choke to do the surge suppression they filter out way more noise and nasties on the power line than do the tiny little RFI filters found in most professional surge suppressors.
Well, it worked like a champ. All of the noise, buzz, hum and grit was gone, and the sound has taken on a more relaxed and open quality. They really do work. Check out their website for more information on how they work: www.surgex.com
The power grid is getting noisier all the time; everything has a switch-mode power supply these days, and those CFL light bulbs they're pushing on us throw out noise too. Plus the utilities can at times send big voltage spikes into your house when working on the lines, it's happened to me! Cheap insurance to protect your stuff.
So, the hype is that these units do an excellent job at protecting your equipment at the same time cleaning up your power from noise, and are much less expensive than some of the crazy audiophile type power conditioners out there.
I think I'll get one for myself!
Monday, February 22, 2010
Turntable Tinkering!
About 1995 my boss gave me his old Thorens TD125 mk1, in a box, in pieces. I had to glue the plinth back together, re-build and install the Rabco SL8-E tonearm and do all the necessary lube and adjustments. This is an adjustable spring suspended table. I have been using this table for the last 15 years and have done several modifications to improve the performance that I will list below.
1st- Completely disassemble and install self-adhesive thick sticky tar-like sheeting I picked up from a jobsite (it is used on the outside of new construction commercial buildings as a heavy vapor barrier) to the under-side of the platter and aluminium top plate in an attempt to damp vibrations. This made a subtle improvement in clarity and lowered the noise floor.
2nd- Finally sell of the old Rabco and install a pivoted arm. I picked up a used arm from a Music Hall MMF 5 and built a new arm-board out of plywood. This made a huge improvement and cleaned up much of the distortion on the inner-grooves that had always driven me nutso.
3rd- Install a vintage Audio Technica AT14sa cartridge with a stylus from an AT13ea. This was a top of the line cartridge back in the day (late 70's) but I didn't like the shibata stylus and opted for the elliptical from the AT13ea. I'd put this combo up against many modern high-priced cartridges. It blew away my Grado and works very well in the 9" MMF arm.
4th- FINALLY get an accurate alignment protractor! I had been using a dB systems protractor for years and have always been annoyed by the tracking distortion towards the inner grooves of my albums. I thought that was my fate until the recent article in Stereophile by Keith Howard on the subject (March 2010 issue). He states in the article that most alignment protractors are based on math that is an approximation. He offers on his website (www.audiosignal.co.uk) a simple program that will generate an alignment protractor that you can print out. You just enter your arms effective length and the inner and outer groove diameters you wish to use (explained in his article). SO, after printing it out and re-aligning my cartridge (I love the AT cartridges for their square sides and front - makes alignment easy) with a magnifying glass and much patience I was ready for the test drive. WOW! What a difference it made! I had no idea that tracking distortion could muddy up the sound so much. Everything is much more clear and natural sounding now, more relaxed and more detailed and liquid and (insert overused audiophile term here). No, really, it was that good.
5th- On the advice from several sources on the inter-web ;-) I removed the springs from the TD125 to make it a solid, non-suspended table. Since I've used them under components as feet to good effect I replaced the springs with cork bottle stoppers. (Ask me if you're confused and want more detail). This also made a major improvement in resolution and soundstaging, tightened up the bass and made the speed more stable.
So, after 15 years with this turntable and 30 years playing records, I've finally put to rest the tracking distortion that had been a bane to my existence. My turntable now sounds incredible, probably couldn't buy as good of performance for under $2500 bucks now. Of course the Elliott Studio Arts 66-001p preamp and 66-100 power amp have much to do with the wonderful sound...
Modifying the Rega Apollo CD Player
Well, after getting the unit home (I bought it used from a local retailer in Seattle, Hawthorne Stereo - thanks Matthew) I just HAD to open it up and see..
Damn nice! High-end epoxy circuit board, nice components, etc. Not much for power supply bypassing around the discreet transistor output stage, though. And alot of 'lytic coupling caps, too. Also, the PSU for the audio stage doesn't have active regulation, just a simple shunt zener "regulator". But it sounded so much better than what I was used to that I let it be... for a while. I can never just leave it be.
So the first mod that I wanted to try was to increase the PSU bypassing on the output stage and install polypropylene bypasses around the output coupling capacitors. I had some 1uf Electrocube poly's for this, and ordered my favorite low-voltage electrolytic bypass caps from Mouser. These are solid organic polymer electrolytic that have very, very low ESR and will never 'dry out'. I use them for cathode bypass in my tube products.. they work great and sound great.
Carefully, I removed the 4 polyester .1uf bypasses, installed the 100uf 16V (Vishay 94sa107x0016epb) organic polymer caps, then re-installed the 4 polyester caps to the underside of the circuit board, along with the 1uf Electrocube output coupling caps in parallel with the stock electrolytics. Now I put it all back together and didn't have any leftover screws! Yay!!
The caps needed to break-in so I let it play in repeat for a day or so, and then listened to my favorite evaluation disc, YES Talk (1993- killer dynamic range and lots of recorded detail). There was an improvement in dynamic slam and a sweetening of the high-frequency details. The bass is tighter and more textured and at the same time goes a bit deeper. Overall an improvement... maybe I'll leave it alone for a while. We'll see...